Philippine Herbal is a breakthrough in the market. It is because of the people we chose to support. We have chosen herbal products because we want to support our Filipino farmers and at the same time help people with their health concerns. As a founder and also a farmer I know how difficult it is to sell our harvest that is why an idea to process our harvest so we can easily deliver to our customers. With the Holy Bible as our basis that according to the books of Genesis and Revelation, "The leaves are for the healing of the nation", we have proven that our herbal products truly can heal.
Now comes the demand of of our customers upon experiencing the healing benefits of our herbal products (please see our customers' reviews) we failed to prepare our system thus we were not able to deliver all orders --- with this we are very sorry. FDA notices also caused a negative impact to our Nehemiah brand that despite of our compliance to have a certificate of product registration, FDA did not delete their post. The birth of KEDEX Herbal.
KEDEX Herbal is now a better version. We were able to adjust our system so we can now deliver to all of our customers demand with great customers' experience. We have also updated our packaging based on our customers' recommendation so that our products will be more secure.
KEDEX represents our better service. K as our hands taking care of your orders. E as express delivery - we will do our best to deliver your orders fast, hassle free to your doorsteps as we believe that we need to deliver fast for your healing. D as the leaf that symbolizes our herbal products --- the effort and hard work of our Filipino farmers. Placed in the middle because we all care. Other E is for the healing experience of our customers - based on customers' reviews. Lastly X is you, our beloved customers including those whom we failed to deliver (we are so sorry for this). We will make sure to the best of our effort that we will deliver all your orders and will help you with your health and healing journey.
Again, thank you so much for investing on your health today. Thank you for helping us support our Filipino farmers.